The JLF is where understanding and compassion merge with expert knowledge of the Probate world - Probate involves two of the most convoluted areas of law - real estate and probate.

There are many kinds of probate that can be accomplished, but it almost always involves people’s rights in things that really matter: family heirlooms; real estate title issues; and potentially significant financial benefits – whether a family is trying to sort out grandpa’s poorly written will or several generations of the family’s convoluted affairs and multiple marriages from decades past, or deal with family or even strangers claiming rights to an estate or creditors lining up to make their claims or there is a need to challenge a family member who is “hiding the ball” and is intent on pilfering the family’s estate, you need someone experienced on your side – and the sooner the better – Joyal Law provides that experience and can sort out the myriad of issues an estate can present to protect your inheritance rights.


Power of Attorney


Health Care Directives

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The Joyal Law Firm provides expert drafting of Wills and Trusts - a will is a highly technical document requiring exacting language and formatting for each situation and the people it intents to protect.

Any errors in the drafting of a will or errors in an “online, one size fits all will” are usually not discovered until years or even decades later when it’s too late – assuring that you have a valid will is one of the most important matter a person can attend to for your peace of mind and for your loved ones – successfully probating that will assure that your family receives what you intend for them to receive from your accumulated lifetime assets when the times comes is the second most important matter a person attend to.

Don't Forget a Health Care Directive
and a Power of Attorney

The Joyal Law Firm always provides our clients with a Health Care Directive and a Power of Attorney for our clients as a package with a will for no more cost than the will as a service to assure our clients have all situations covered when they decide to have a will drawn.